Monday, February 28, 2011

If you feel the need to be well informed before making a decision on the Resurrection, this book is a must!

There are a few things to know before purchasing this book.  First, this is not a feel-good sort of book.  It was not written as one.  The object of the book is neither to provide assurance for a naïve Christian, nor to fuel the arguments of a bigoted atheist.  It is intended to be a reunion of the most cogent and complete arguments for and against the Resurrection of Christ.  It is written I order to make it possible for a prospective spiritual inquirer to receive as objective a viewpoint on the topic as possible and thus, to make an informed decision.

Second, if one has a predetermined bias regarding the subject matter, one must try to lay it aside before beginning the book.  It will not do to only read the parts that one wants to read as that will be neither productive nor wise.  The author has tried in my opinion, fairly successfully to create a work that presents both sides as fairly as possible.  If one does not see this and chooses to fixate on the section that affirms a persistent bias, then the whole book will far from being a help, be a determent.

Third, this book is fairly recent and thus contains some of the most up to date information and references available.  One can make a decision based on the data presented here without very much fear of being outdated.

Fourth, this book may present you with troubling information that may prod your towards a very large decision.  The question of the Resurrection may be the most important in all of history.  If you feel the need to be well informed before making a decision, this book is a must.  Whatever your situation, I can assure you that if you read this book with an open mind (which as a member of Foster’s jury you ought to), I can promise you that after reading it, you will not be the same as before you read it.